

The first year of college brings a lot of growth and change—and with that often comes 成长的烦恼. Knowing a bit about what many college students experience in their first year can help you support your student in this exciting (and scary!)进入 他们的生活.

  • 8月
    • Excitement and energy about the new environment and activities.
    • Feeling 在whelmed with change, responsibility, and social interactions.
    • 驾驭新的自由和平衡任务.
    • Anxiety about roommates, professors, and classes.

    你能帮什么忙??  Listen, encourage, and validate your student's feelings. 不要去救他们.  It is very tempting to "rescue" them or try to "fix" any situation that arises, but they are capable and you have raised them to be successful. 鼓励你的学生 留在校园. 

    要问学生的问题: Which Bear Welcome activities will you check out?  你们班上都有哪些人 就像?  How are you enjoying your new college schedule?

  • 9月
    • 经常打电话回家.
    • 融入一群新朋友.
    • 思乡和孤独.
    • Challenges interacting with new and different people.
    • 第一次考试、论文和作业.

    你能帮什么忙??  Continue to listen to and encourage your student.  手写笔记和/或 寄送爱心包裹. 提醒你的学生校园资源.  支持学习 and exploration process of the college experience.

    要问学生的问题: 大学和你想象的一样吗?  为什么/为什么不?  你最喜欢/最不喜欢的是什么 到目前为止,我最喜欢大学的事情?  What are our plans for Family and Friends Weekend?

  • 10月
    • Roommate problems begin to arise as students get more comfortable.
    • Students begin to really question: “Do I fit in at UNC?”
    • First test grades returned and students prepare for major midterm exams.
    • Students maintain close connections to their friends and partners from home.
    • Consequences of behavior and decision making arise.

    你能帮什么忙??  确认 and celebrate your student's successes, both now and in the past.  尽量不 to compare their high school and college grades, because they're very different!  Acknowledge and discuss the increased difficulty of college; brainstorm options that work for your student to perfect their study skills. 和你的学生进行对话 博天堂官方网站他们的行动和行为.  

    要问学生的问题: Have you made an appointment with any of the tutors in the Division of Student Success?  你最喜欢/最不喜欢的是什么 到目前为止,我最喜欢大学的事情?  你有什么? 目前为止做得很好?  你打算做些什么不同的事情吗?

  • 11月
    • Midterm papers and exams are returned, giving students a good idea of their progress 在一些课上.
    • Roommate friendships could strengthen, or challenges could become clearer and intensify.
    • Many exams and papers are due before Thanksgiving 打破.
    • Excitement and/or anxiety regarding going home for Thanksgiving 打破.
    • First series of campus-wide illnesses (cold, flu, strep, etc.) hit; visits to the 保健中心增加.

    你能帮什么忙??  倾听、支持和鼓励. 传达“可以寻求帮助。.“帮助 your student in brainstorming possible solutions to their problems, but don't take 在. 开诚布公地谈论即将到来的回家之旅.  预测并表达乐观 博天堂官方网站你的学生所经历的变化. 

    要问学生的问题: 你的哪一次期中考试考得好?  哪些不太顺利?  什么课? you talk to your advisor about taking this spring?  你的感恩节计划是什么 打破?

  • 12月
    • 在准备期末考试的过程中,焦虑会增加.
    • Excitement and/or anxiety regarding going home for the holidays to see friends and 家庭.
    • Challenges with balancing finals week programming and study time.
    • Sadness about leaving new friendships and/or romantic relationships

    你能帮什么忙??  Talk openly about the expectations you have for them 在 打破.  支持公开对话 with their roommate to prepare for a new semester.  赞扬在大学里建立的人际关系.  Treat them 就像 the adult they're trying to become so they can do more for themselves 在未来. 

    要问学生的问题: 你的成绩怎么样?  你感到骄傲/失望吗?  你有什么想法吗 春天你会做些什么不同的事?  你有计划去看朋友吗 休息?

  • 1月
    • Satisfaction and/or disappointment with fall term grades.
    • 乡愁.
    • Loneliness for friendships and romantic relationships back home.
    • Relief being away from home and back at school.

    你能帮什么忙??  Verbalize your trust in them and their process.  保持耐心和兴奋 学生探索他们的道路通过大学.  肯定大学是困难的,而且 庆祝他们迄今为止取得的成就.  鼓励他们更多地了解潜力 专业、工作和实习机会. 

    要问学生的问题: 你喜欢你的新课吗? How has your new schedule impacted your connections 和你上学期交的朋友?

  • 2月
    • Potential increase in alcohol and other substance abuse.
    • Exciting options for fall housing begin to surface.
    • Challenges upholding relationships from back home may arise.
    • Valentine’s Day may bring out loneliness and isolation.

    你能帮什么忙??  Encourage use of campus resources, especially if they're socializing more.  不 panic — listen and assist in identifying support people. 不要救助.  问 问题. 寄送爱心包裹 — especially around Valentine's Day.

    要问学生的问题: Are you still balancing classes and socializing?  你打算住在哪里 明年?  你申请校内住宿了吗?

  • 3月
    • Anxiety regarding finding roommate(s) for 明年.
    • Excitement and/or disappointment regarding Spring Break plans.
    • 期中考试压力.
    • Excitement about summer employment and leadership opportunities.

    你能帮什么忙??  Accept that there are highs and lows in a student's college experience.  确认 the student's good decision-making skills and your faith in them.  要清楚 夏天的期望.  

    要问学生的问题: 你这个夏天的计划是什么?  你要回家吗??  第二轮怎么样 中期选举结束了?

  • 4月
    • Concern 在 declaring or changing their major.
    • 学期末压力.
    • 兴奋伴随着春天的到来.
    • 秋季课程注册.

    你能帮什么忙??  Encourage the use of campus resources, specifically career services.  发送笔记 鼓励和关怀包裹. Refrain from constant calls of concern, advice, 救助.  

    要问学生的问题: 你的学术指导会议开得怎么样?  你觉得你的课怎么样 和你的导师讨论了明年秋天的计划?  你在做什么准备来完成 这学期很好?

  • 可以
    • 期末考试焦虑.
    • 春季学期成绩.
    • Apprehension and eagerness about returning home for summer.
    • Balancing the sadness 在 leaving new friendships and/or romantic relationships at school and the excitement of seeing old friends from home.
    • Realization of how college will influence life decisions.

    你能帮什么忙??  开诚布公地谈论夏天的期望. 支持他们的悲伤情绪. Be aware of your own sense of loss while having the student gone and the transition of 你的学生要回家过暑假了.  Accept your student's changes; try not 再次猜测或挑战. 问 问题 to genuinely learn about the changes/growth, 不纠正. 

    要问学生的问题: 期末考试那周过得怎么样?  What was the same or different from finals week during 秋季学期?你对暑假有什么期待?